Хобби и стиль / Samoe Yarkoe

Samoe Yarkoe баннер

27.3 тыс 15.4 млн

«Samoe Yarkoe» был создан в 2016 году. На сегодняшний день количество подписчиков проекта составляет 27.3 тыс человек. За это время на канал было загружено 222 видео, которые посмотрело 15.4 млн человек.
Согласно нашим данным, аудитория канала «Samoe Yarkoe» растёт примерно на 9 чел. ежедневно.

Every day, millions of Internet fall events, incidents, and just funny situations, but the really good ones - a few thousand. We find the most vivid, strange and simply interesting - in other words, what is worthy of your attention. Our heroes - ordinary people who themselves have removed these shots and posted to the network. So that they can see themselves or their friends. In each issue - a compulsory subject dedicated opasnostyai on the road. speeding, running a red, overtaking on the opposite, head-on collisions and accidents with pedestrians - we will show fatal errors of other drivers that you did not commit their own. It is no coincidence selected and presenter: Nikita Kovalchuk - a popular internet blogger having tens of thousands of subscribers - he will present the viewer main network video. And this is the voice of our program: they become TV and radio Dmitry Kutepov. Acting and pleasant voice is converted into real collections of mini-performances.
© Samoe Yarkoe

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