Общество / NoBrains

NoBrains баннер

21.6 тыс 10 млн

Канал «NoBrains» был создан в 2015 году и на сегодняшний день количество подписчиков проекта составляет 21.6 тыс человек. За это время на канал было загружено 22 видео, которые посмотрело 10 млн человек.
Согласно нашим данным, аудитория канала «NoBrains» растёт примерно на 7 чел. ежедневно.

Hey. You're on the NoBrains channel. The purpose of our channel is to show that a feat is possible for everyone. Heroism is near. Look closely at those who live and work together with you. Among them, for sure, there are those who can be called heroes. We hope that we will be interesting and useful, both in terms of development, and in terms of popularizing people who commit feats, saving lives of strangers! Anyone can have a choice - risk their own lives and save a person, or get a phone and start shooting. We do not motivate mad actions, we motivate them to take courage, to fulfill their civic duty.
© NoBrains

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