Общество / Византийский Хор - АКСИОН ЕСТИН

Византийский Хор - АКСИОН ЕСТИН баннер

3.7 тыс 266.5 тыс

Социально-общественный канал «Византийский Хор - АКСИОН ЕСТИН» был создан в 2019 году. На сегодняшний день количество подписчиков проекта составляет 3.7 тыс человек. За это время на канал было загружено 0 видео, которые посмотрело 266.5 тыс человек. На канале публикуется примерно 0 видео в день.

The Byzantine choir of the Nikolo-Malitsky monastery "Axion Estin" in Tver, Russia has been initiated by the igumen of the Nikolo-Malitsky monastery Boris (Tulupov). He has put the singers who had learnt the Byzantine singing in Greece together. Some of them used to live and serve God on the Holy Mount Athos. The choir performs on Slavic and Ancient Greek languages. The choir is named after one of the most revered icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the entire Orthodox world. “It is Truly Meet” icon is located on Mount Athos in Protatos. The mission of the choir is to spread the tradition of the Byzantine singing thus completing the monastic law of the Nikolo-Malitsky monastery. The monks of the monastery cherish and follow the Mount Athos holy service rules. So the Byzantine singing is an inseparable part of their monastic life.
© Византийский Хор - АКСИОН ЕСТИН

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