Общество / Fresh idea

Fresh idea баннер

257 тыс 53.2 млн

С тех пор, как общественный ютьюб-канал «Fresh idea» появился на YouTube, а первый ролик был загружен 29 мар 2017, на канал успело подписаться без малого 257 тыс человек. Авторы проекта разместили 101 видео и по нашей информации канал суммарно имеет 53.2 млн просмотров. На канал загружается в среднем по 1 видео в день.

Here you can find ideas for hand-made presents, home design and settings. My motto is new life for old things! You can also find here soap-boiling diy and I'll teach you to work with polymer clay and gypsum. Moreover I do different kinds of crafts and I'll be glad to teach you do the same! Hey everyone! My name is Sveta! I'm a creative person and I enjoy doing different kinds of crafts with my own hands. Also I adore giving such crafts as presents to my relatives and friends! I've recently decided to share my ideas with you! I hope my experiments will both motivate and inspire you to create and do different things with your own hands. Hand-made presents are the best ones! Please and surprise your near and dear ones! Thank you for your support, views and subsscription!
© Fresh idea

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