Общество / Дмитрий Домбровский

Дмитрий Домбровский баннер

89.1 тыс 13.8 млн

С тех пор, как общественный канал «Дмитрий Домбровский» появился на YouTube, а первый ролик был загружен 29 июл 2007, на канал успело подписаться без малого 89.1 тыс человек. Авторы проекта разместили 101 видео и по нашей информации канал суммарно имеет 13.8 млн просмотров. На канале выходит примерно 1 видеоролик в сутки.

My name is Dmitry Dombrovsky. I am a practicing hypnologist, a specialist in the field of hypnosis and alternative methods of psychoprophylaxis. The main activity is training in self-hypnosis and self-programming skills. As part of my activity, since 1989, for almost 25 years, I have been delivering lectures, cognitive and entertaining programs “Discover Talent” and “Hypnosis Show”, seminars, self-hypnosis training courses, as well as individual work with interested people. master the skills of self-hypnosis and self-regulation. Since 2003, I have been managing the X-Streaming project, in the framework of which I have organized expeditions to Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Laos and other countries. The main emphasis of these travels is to conduct ceremonies of expanding consciousness with the help of healing plants of the Force, which are used in many shamanistic practices.
© Дмитрий Домбровский

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