Общество / Denny LGSF

Denny LGSF баннер

4.7 тыс 371 тыс

Социально-общественный ютьюб-канал «Denny LGSF» был создан в 2012 году. На сегодняшний день количество подписчиков проекта составляет 4.7 тыс человек. За это время на канал было загружено 71 видео, которые посмотрело 371 тыс человек.
Минутка безумной статистики. Если распределить общее количество просмотров канала по времени его существования, то канал ежедневно генерировал бы 84 просмотров.

Dear friends, thank you for your attention to my channel! My name is Denny and i'm CEO of mobile factory in Europe market, we create amazing projects of private villas, commercial and social buildings such as kindergartens, schools, add-ins, mansards, prefabricated houses, tiny houses and house boats. If you never had build your own house or just don't know how, we can explain how you can do it right now! Just DIY your home! Sure, you had time to collect LEGO and YES our tech is the SAME! Now anybody can built his family home. Our technology useful for all sphere of build, all details connection by special screw and rivets! Very sustainable for disasters influence, insects and rodents. My channel for people who like, who want to do something by yourself and also who has interest for build technology. our website with projects: www.don-st.ru website of our architect studio: www.abmasterplan.com famous project in development by our team: www.russkoe-more.ru Your's Denny.
© Denny LGSF

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