EugenBro баннер

3.9 млн 1.2 млрд

Проект «EugenBro» стартовал на YouTube в 2015 году. Сейчас на канал подписано 3.9 млн человек и загружено 848 видео, что сгенерировало суммарно 1.2 млрд просмотров.
Согласно нашим данным, аудитория канала «EugenBro» растёт примерно на 1235 чел. ежедневно.

Eugenbro - building a channel for Minecraft game. On my channel you will find letsplei (Letsplays), very cool buildings by Minecraft. Reviews mods. You see how to build a house or Ender Dragon Hut secrets cartoon Gravity Falls. As various buildings and houses in the creative mode minekraft - home of Patrick and SpongeBob. Many heroes of the Marvel series in the lane. You see the best house in Minecraft and much more. Subscribe to us! Be one of the first. Comment and share videos with friends, for me it is a great incentive to develop the channel! All Beaver 3
© EugenBro

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