🇷🇺 Russian Practice Ep 245 👄👂 | Improve Russian 🚀 | Learn Russian 💯 | Oral & Listening | Русский


00:00:00 Lesson 1: Unexpected Wind 00:02:31 Lesson 2: Chasing Dreams 00:05:25 Lesson 3: Supportive Encouragement 00:08:58 Lesson 4: Life Hacks and Ideas 00:12:29 Lesson 5: Choosing an Academic Institution 00:16:44 Lesson 6: Complimenting and Expressing Happiness 00:21:07 Lesson 7: Success and Persistence 00:25:40 Lesson 8: Building a Welcoming Neighborhood 00:29:31 Lesson 9: Baking Delicious Soft Cookies 00:33:33 Lesson 10: Exploring Exciting Destinations 00:37:38 Lesson 11: Effective Communication for Avoiding Misunderstandings 00:41:11 Lesson 12: Childhood Memories and Perspective 00:44:52 Lesson 13: Balancing Traditional and Digital Strategies 00:49:03 Lesson 14: The Art of Buying Low and Selling High 00:53:06 Lesson 15: Retaining Ownership of Developed Technology 00:56:39 Lesson 16: Exploring New Job Openings 01:00:25 Lesson 17: Appreciating Nature's Beauty 01:03:09 Lesson 18: Traveling Smart 01:06:37 Lesson 19: Navigating Sensitive Conversations #russialearning #Russiaspeaking #Russialistening #Russiaspeakingpractice #Russiaspeakingcourse #Russialisteningpractice #Russiapractice #improveRussia #improveRussialistening #improveRussiaspeaking #improveRussiapronunciation #oralRussia #fluentRussia #FunnyRussia #УчимРоссию #Говоримнарусском #Аудируемнарусском #Практиканарусском #Курснарусскомязыке #Практиканарусскомнааудирование #Практиканарусском #улучшаемнарусском #улучшаемнарусскомаудирование #улучшаемнарусском #говоримнарусском #улучшаемпроизношениенарусском #устныйнарусском #беглонарусском #Веселаянарусском Let's also join our channels! 🇬🇧 youtube.com/@english.practice.practice 🇫🇷 youtube.com/@french.practice 🇩🇪 youtube.com/@german.practice 🇮🇹 youtube.com/@italian.practice 🇪🇸 youtube.com/@spanish.practice 🇵🇹 youtube.com/@portuguese.practice 🇷🇺 youtube.com/@russian.practice 🇨🇳 youtube.com/@chinese.chinese 🇯🇵 youtube.com/@japanese.practice 🇰🇷 youtube.com/@korean.practice 🇳🇱 youtube.com/@dutch.practice 🇹🇷 youtube.com/@turkish.practice 🇸🇦 youtube.com/@arabic.practice.practice 🇮🇳 youtube.com/@hindi.practice 🇸🇪 youtube.com/@swedish.practice 🇮🇩 youtube.com/@polish.practice 🇺🇦 youtube.com/@ukrainine.practice 🇬🇷 youtube.com/@greek.practice 🇻🇳 youtube.com/@vietnamese.practice 🇲🇨 youtube.com/@indonesian.practice 🇲🇾 youtube.com/@malay.malay.practice 🇹🇭 youtube.com/@thai.practice 🇬🇧 https://www.facebook.com/english.practice.practice
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