Общество / I Gryanul Grem

I Gryanul Grem баннер

285 тыс 83.2 млн

Со дня появления канала «I Gryanul Grem» на Ютубе (первое видео на канале появилось 28 май 2019) на него подписалось уже 285 тыс человек. Создатели канала загрузили 101 роликов и по данным нашего сайта этот канал суммарно имеет 83.2 млн просмотров видео.
Кстати, выходит, что в среднем на этот канал загружается 1 видео в день.

The program "I Gryanul Grem" in the framework of which the hosts Vadim Radionov and Anna Smirnova discuss with guests - politicians, writers, political scientists, directors, artists, scientists, athletes and journalists acute, relevant and analytical topics of concern to society. The guests of the program are people who have left their mark on Russian, European or world history - they express their opinions about current political and cultural events, share memories of outstanding personalities with whom they managed to communicate, work and make friends. The guests of "I Gryanul Grem" reflect on life, death, love, justice, good, evil, passion, faith and forgiveness - in life and art. The unique concept of the program lies in the fact that at the end of the episode, the guest encounters Graham - the mysterious third presenter, who, at the end of the day, can ask the most unexpected question to the interviewee.
© I Gryanul Grem

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