Здоровье / ★ GOOD CHANNEL


307 тыс 43.4 млн

С тех пор, как канал «★ GOOD CHANNEL» появился на YouTube, а первый ролик был загружен 24 окт 2011, на канал успело подписаться без малого 307 тыс человек. Авторы проекта разместили 3 тыс видео и по нашей информации канал суммарно имеет 43.4 млн просмотров.
Кстати, выходит, что в среднем на этот канал загружается 1 видео в день.

I greet you. My name is Eugene Gorobchenko. I lead the most useful channel on Youtube. I write a lot of training video lessons, where sharing practical advice that will help you become more healthy, happy, successful and rich. Subscribe to my channel https://goo.gl/ke2Uey, you will regularly receive valuable knowledge, using which you can build family relationships, make more money and invest wisely. Regularly browsing through my video tutorials, you learn how to improve their health, and always look great. A valuable advice on self-development and the achievement of objectives, will help to improve your quality of life and to achieve true success. Sign up for a useful channel right now, so as not to miss valuable information with which you can change your life for the better.

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