Общество / Lidyshka family life vlog

Lidyshka family life vlog баннер

3.5 тыс 250.7 тыс

Со дня появления канала «Lidyshka family life vlog» на Ютубе (первое видео на канале появилось 28 ноя 2014) на него подписалось уже 3.5 тыс человек. Создатели канала загрузили 101 роликов и по данным нашего сайта этот канал суммарно имеет 250.7 тыс просмотров видео. На канале публикуется примерно 1 видео в день.

I am happy to welcome you! My name is Nadezhda! I am a wife and mother of three children! my children Nikita, Lida and Dasha! I am currently on maternity leave. On the channel you will see vlogs about the life of my family, a diary about my diet on the minus 60 system (I struggle with excess weight all my life), what we eat at home, recipes, shopping overview, motivation for cleaning ( because I also need it very much), my care 35+, our TRIPS to the ALTAI. My husband is a great cook, so a bonus video about food cooked on a fire, barbecue, in a cauldron. I also like to chat about various topics : motherhood, family relationships, and social issues. I'm sure You'll be interested. Subscribe to the channel, click on the bell and always welcome your comments!!!! Thank you for your support!
© Lidyshka family life vlog

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