Хобби / Family handmade

Family handmade баннер

60.2 тыс 2.9 млн

Проект «Family handmade» стартовал на YouTube в 2018 году. Сейчас на канал подписано 60.2 тыс человек и загружено 44 видео, что сгенерировало суммарно 2.9 млн просмотров. На канале выходит примерно 1 видеоролик в сутки.

I am glad to welcome you on the channel "Family handmade"! My name is Jane. Me and my daughter Angelina are very fond of doing various kinds of handicraft, inventing and creating something new, working in different techniques and sharing our experiences with everyone. Drawing, modeling, designing, cooking is only a small part of what we are interested in. There are many different master classes on our channel, which we tried to make understandable and accessible to everyone, especially since we try to select materials that you can easily find in your home, often we use what is usually thrown into the trash. Also we have reviews of purchases in FixPrice and AliExpress stores. Such goods we use for handicrafts and activities with children. Sometimes we need a man's strength and then the father comes to help, who shares our love for everything beautiful, created by our own hands. That's why our channel is called "Family handmade"! Enjoy watching!
© Family handmade

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