Общество / nikolay novikov

nikolay novikov баннер

207 тыс 73.7 млн

Проект «nikolay novikov» стартовал на YouTube в 2012 году. Сейчас на канал подписано 207 тыс человек и загружено 101 видео, что сгенерировало суммарно 73.7 млн просмотров. На канал загружается в среднем по 1 видео в день.

FREE PR FOR MUSICIANS AND PERFORMERS, HELP IN PROMOTING THE CHANNEL. CREATION OF A CLIP, INSTALLATION OF VIDEO AND SOUND. ►BEST folk, drinking, courtyard, chanson songs for button accordion, accordion, guitar and accordion! And much more! ► Popularization of performers who are not shown on television, but who deserve to be known to the whole world. Send your video as it is without any editing, I will do it for you and organize PR for your talent! ►Video lessons of playing the harmonica. Analysis of works in notes and figures. ► With you: - Laureate of the television project G. Zavolokina "Play the accordion", academician of the courtyard song "Radio chanson", producer, web-master, poet - Nikolai Novikov.
© nikolay novikov

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