Общество / Alexander Afonin

Alexander Afonin баннер

114 тыс 9.3 млн

На общественно-политический канал «Alexander Afonin» на сегодняшний день подписано 114 тыс человек. Первое видео на канале появилось 06 янв 2017 и за это время на канал было загружено 99 роликов, которые посмотрело 9.3 млн человек. На канале публикуется примерно 1 видео в день.

Hello, I am Alexander Afonin, I have a medical education: neurologist and chiropractor. From birth, life throws up tasks for which you have to pass exams on yourself. On the way to overcoming, I learned to rule the whole body, tune the work of organs, establish the work of the nervous system and harmonize the connections of the body with the psyche. More details at https://aafonin.com I want to spread the Holistic approach through video and write a series of books, I practice writing texts on the Zen channel https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5a423f9d799d9dda05ec3d25. If you want to help, then write comments, send videos to friends and repost them on social networks - so those who need it can see them. Record on editing the spine and joints, the Assembly of the body and psyche https://aafonin.com.
© Alexander Afonin

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