TechnoSHOW баннер

70.2 тыс 8.6 млн

Первое видео на канале «TechnoSHOW» было размещено в 2012 году. С тех пор количество видеороликов на канале выросло до 64, а число подписчиков на сегодня составляет 70.2 тыс чел. В общей сложности все видео на этом канале посмотрели 8.6 млн раз.
Согласно нашим данным, аудитория канала «TechnoSHOW» растёт примерно на 17 чел. ежедневно.

News about gadgets, computers (mac or PC, PC), games, automotive and other equipment. Surveys on computer equipment, lifhaki, experiments, interesting facts, useful tips, funny ideas, illusions, various tricks and experiences - all this you will see on our YouTube channel TechnoSHOW. Interesting, informative and entertaining videos every week. In the video with lifhakami you will learn, if you did not already know, some tricks and wisdom of life that will help you in everyday life, and some even make you smile. By the way, do not forget that you can also participate in creating a video by offering your interesting topics, useful tips or lifhaki, writing about them in our public in the VC or in the comments under the video. Subscribe and find out something new every time! Links: TechnoSHOW on YouTube в VK
© TechnoSHOW

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