Люди и блоги / Aldokhin Farm

Aldokhin Farm баннер

14.9 тыс 2 млн

Первое видео на канале «Aldokhin Farm» было размещено в 2016 году. С тех пор количество видеороликов на канале выросло до 151, а число подписчиков на сегодня составляет 14.9 тыс чел. В общей сложности все видео на этом канале посмотрели 2 млн раз.
Кстати, выходит, что в среднем на этот канал загружается 1 видео в день.

Hello dear viewers, we are the Aldokhin family and this is our channel. In our video blog about agriculture and life in the village, we talk about the maintenance, feeding and breeding of various farm animals: cows, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits. Darina and I moved to the village at different times, but we have one thing in common - we love what we do! Canal Farm Aldokhins not only about animals, but also about the simple measured life of a family in the village in an ordinary village house. We want to organize a family farm in order to provide our loved ones with natural and quality products. In small steps we are moving towards our goal, and you can watch this process from your screens. We hope that our channel will be interesting and useful to you, and we, in turn, will delight you with new and interesting videos.
© Aldokhin Farm

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