Общество / Tyagunov's Channel

Tyagunov's Channel баннер

3.1 тыс 787.5 тыс

Со дня появления канала «Tyagunov's Channel» на Ютубе (первое видео на канале появилось 18 мар 2019) на него подписалось уже 3.1 тыс человек. Создатели канала загрузили 100 роликов и по данным нашего сайта этот канал суммарно имеет 787.5 тыс просмотров видео.
Минутка безумной статистики. Если распределить общее количество просмотров канала по времени его существования, то канал ежедневно генерировал бы 408 просмотров.

Tyagunov's Channel is our video diary. Life in the country is FREEDOM. We-Vadim and Olesya welcome You to our channel, where we will talk about our experience of moving to the village, rural life and agriculture. We are urban, but we decided to leave the city for the country. We bought a house in the village and now our life has changed radically, which we are very happy about. In our videos we want to show how the family lives in the village. This cooking and recipes, agriculture, workshops and reviews on a variety of topics. Repair and construction. All about the garden. Cultivation and care of flowers. Education and health of the child. We will share with You our mood. We wish you a pleasant viewing, good luck and all the best !!! Watch our videos, write your reviews in the comments, put likes and subscribe to our channel, click on the bell that would not miss new videos. Want to be the hero of the video? Write to us: Vlineauto@yandex.by
© Tyagunov's Channel

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