Фитнес / Fitness After 50

Fitness After 50 баннер

24.3 тыс 6.1 млн

Канал «Fitness After 50» был создан в 2008 году и на сегодняшний день количество подписчиков проекта составляет 24.3 тыс человек. За это время на канал было загружено 533 видео, которые посмотрело 6.1 млн человек.
Согласно нашим данным, аудитория канала «Fitness After 50» растёт примерно на 4 чел. ежедневно.

Several years ago, I was 55 and I was fat and sick. Problems with the Peter and Paul Fortress was forced to completely change their lifestyle. Now I'm already 58 and I have become slim and healthy. I run marathons, do a triathlon, do on the bar.  Where I was treated? Yes, at home and outdoors. I never went to the gym. (Although now began. In October 2015 Shagged Me subscription to a fitness center.)  My doctors: nutrition, exercise and a positive attitude. On his way of life I tell on this channel. PS Small addition. In the fall of 2015 I began to go to the Fitness Center. Not because "betrayed" home training. No, just in the modern fitness centers as opportunities for training, I could not resist. Come visit my blog www.man50.ru
© Fitness After 50

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