Хобби и стиль / Прометей

Прометей баннер

78.4 тыс 12.1 млн

«Прометей» — проект стартовал на Ютубе в 2014 году. За всё время на канал подписалось 78.4 тыс человек, при этом создателями канала загружено 219 роликов, что принесло этому видеоблогу суммарно 12.1 млн просмотров. На канале публикуется примерно 1 видео в день.

Welcome You Friends!!!! The project "Prometheus" shows and tells about volunteers who help other people free of charge and the work of rescuers. Stay tuned, write comments, share our videos and invite friends to subscribe to the channel!!! We wish you all good luck and May the Force come with you!!!! The rules of the channel: Friends the policy of our channel does not allow comments containing obscene expressions and insults to the people depicted in the video or subscribers of the channel. If you are overwhelmed by emotions, try to Express them in a different way.!!!!! Also, we do not discuss political, national and religious topics!!! Connoisseurs and experts in the field of rescue, fire fighting, football and governance, we urge you to close dad's computer and go do your homework!!!! There will be no warnings for non-compliance with these rules. Violated the rules will be sent to the unknown gave ban.
© Прометей

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