Хобби / Search for Treasures 63rus-Russian treasure hunter.

Search for Treasures 63rus-Russian treasure hunter. баннер

39.3 тыс 7.8 млн

«Search for Treasures 63rus-Russian treasure hunter.» — проект стартовал на Ютубе в 2015 году. За всё время на канал подписалось 39.3 тыс человек, при этом создателями канала загружено 502 роликов, что принесло этому видеоблогу суммарно 7.8 млн просмотров. На канал загружается в среднем по 1 видео в день.

"In SEARCH of GOLD, search for gold" - a Channel about finding treasures with a metal detector. Here everyone will find interesting and informative: video lessons, where to look, how to look and many other answers you will find here. Underwater, beach search and search magnet are also here. Advice and wishes novice treasure hunters will receive. Help in choosing a metal detector, warranty and discount will be received "Shop-Detector". IMPORTANT! I want to state that all videos are staged. It's staged. Everything was done to attract the public to the channel in YouTub."Searching for GOLD" - a Channel about finding treasures with a metal detector. Here everyone will find interesting and informative: video lessons, where to look, how to look and many other answers you will find here. Underwater, beach search and search magnet are also here. IMPORTANT! I want to state that all videos are staged. It's staged. Everything was done to attract the public to the channel in YouTube.
© Search for Treasures 63rus-Russian treasure hunter.

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