Хобби и стиль / Construction worker

Construction worker баннер

854 тыс 123.5 млн

«Construction worker» — проект стартовал на Ютубе в 2016 году. За всё время на канал подписалось 854 тыс человек, при этом создателями канала загружено 98 роликов, что принесло этому видеоблогу суммарно 123.5 млн просмотров. На канал загружается в среднем по 1 видео в день.

Tools, reviews, tricks, lifhaki and all sorts of usefulness for the improvement of our apartments. Design, tools, technology, DIY. The house, the apartment and everything connected with them. Home problems and their solutions. Good afternoon. My name is Andrey and I'm glad to see you on my channel. In my videos, I try to solve the problems that arise every day. Clean the sewer? I am looking for ways and solutions. Make a decoration in the house? I offer options that are easy to replicate to almost everyone. Review of interesting tools and devices. Any useful things that make our life easier or make it more comfortable and beautiful. I constantly build something or something. Join, it will be interesting.
© Construction worker

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